Holistic Massage Therapy
Deep tissue massage is great for connecting to the body. It is fascinating to observe the difference between what we can learn from meditation practices designed for sensing one's own body from the inside, versus practices that involve another person's hands applying pressure externally. I have found that intersubjective experience tends to be more powerful than solitary experience, and can make the process of release feel more pleasurable than challenging.
Theorists like Bessel Van Der Kolk have shown how trauma gets stored in the body. Working on the muscles and fascia can begin loosening and releasing trauma, so that its material is available for processing on other therapeutic levels.
These benefits all work in the background of any deep tissue massage, which is a stand-alone therapy and is flexible in its applications. However, if you wish to explore more deeply the psychological dimension of massage, I recommend you try out my Affect-Focused Massage treatment.
- Who hold trauma in the body in such a way that it causes physical discomfort day to day
- Whose psychological wellbeing is affected by living with a health condition
- Who want to improve mindfulness, sensory sharpness, and cultivate their relationship to pleasure/relaxation